Improve Operational Efficiency With A Quality Process Audit

Photo Courtesy of Visual Tag Mx via Pexels How do you know if your business processes are improving your bottom line? How do you decide whether or not to keep a cost-management strategy? The quick answer is through a quality process audit. Process audits are critical in the growth of businesses because they provide a […]
5S Method: Ensuring Workplace Health & Safety

Photo Courtesy of Anamul Rezwan via Pexels How will a Japanese housekeeping practice boost productivity and ensure occupational health and safety in your organization? The 5S method was developed by Hiroyuki Hirano to improve production systems through identifiable steps. It is popularly known to have revolutionized the production system of Japanese carmaker, Toyota. The 5S […]
What You Should Know About the Food Safety Management

Photo Courtesy of John Lambeth via Pexels Running a food business is not just about increasing your bottom line profits. It is your primary responsibility to ensure the well-being of consumers through food safety and sanitation. Contaminated food that contain harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemicals can cause more than 200 diseases, including diarrhea, hepatitis […]
Pandemic Preparedness: 8 Steps in Building a Preparedness Plan

Businesses need to properly implement changes to ensure business continuity. Keep on reading to learn how you can build a change management process.
8 Ways to Effectively Implement the Change Management Process

Photo courtesy of mentatdgt via Pexels. Creative Commons. Regardless of the nature of your business, there is no denying that change is the only constant thing in the world. Failing to move with the times could be detrimental to your organization. However, it is also inevitable to encounter resistance when implementing changes in your business. […]
GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards: Change shall come

Seemingly right on the heels of GRI G4 Guidelines is the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards. Launched last 19 October 2016, its aim is to set a common language among companies for non-financial information disclosure and provide a means for even greater transparency on the economic, environmental and social impacts companies make. The GRI Standards: an […]
NIST Cybersecurity Framework: Keeping Your Business Safe in an Unsafe IT Ecosystem

Discover the rising strategic risks of cyberattacks and why cybersecurity matters in today’s digital landscape. Learn about the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and its benefits for enhancing security and mitigating risks globally.
Importance of Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)

by Swapnil Bora, Practice Lead In the current scenario, the importance of governance, risk and compliance management is at its highest due to complex nature of business models and operations across the organization. An organization always faces risks that it will be found in violation of one or another of multiple laws and regulations. Lack […]
Understanding Data Privacy Act of 2012

Discover the essentials of the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10173), a pivotal legal framework designed to protect personal information in both public and private sector information systems. Gain valuable insights into key terms, compliance requirements, and potential penalties, ensuring organizations are well-informed and prepared to navigate the intricate realm of data protection regulations.
The Role of ISO 14001:2015 in Addressing Climate Change

When it comes to the environment, there are many issues that arise directly from the use of natural resources for industry and human society. This not only includes simple concepts like cutting down trees to obtain wood, which can be easily monitored and mitigated, but also more complicated ones such as the burning of natural […]
Maintaining Consistent Services in Franchises Through Retail 2nd Party Audits

2nd party audits are assessments made to verify if organizational and regulatory standards are being met by entities not part of the company but likewise very involved in its operations like suppliers and franchisees. Companies have started outsourcing the management of these audits to external vendors in order to have reliable results, cut down costs, […]
Understanding Enterprise Risk Management ISO 31000

There are a lot of risk factors that could affect the integrity and progress of an organization. The risk landscape of companies and businesses has become diverse and complicated. Apart from external factors enterprise risks also arise due to internal threats. The risks need to be properly addressed and rectified before they cause catastrophic damage […]