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ECCI brings PoIMapper, an innovative mobile field-data collection application from Europe to the Philippines

PoIMAPPER – an innovative mobile field data collection application is the new partner of ECCI for the Philippines market. This application allows mobile users to collect, share, and visualize geographically tagged data in real-time. Poimapper is very scalable to projects from few users to thousands of users. Although Poimapper can be used for many different purposes it is most commonly used to collect data with a specific geographical location using a mobile device. In the Poimapper portal, one of the first features was the ability to monitor and analyze Point of Interests in a map view.

Regardless of the data collection purpose, mobile devices allow users to collect data with a lot more information than with a pencil and a paper. Collected data can be shared immediately, you can attach images, location and history trace. And there is no need to transform the data on a paper to a digital form. One important advantage with mobile data collection is that most people in the world have access to a mobile device.

One of the very important tool for data collection during any disaster.

For more details, contact ECCI about this application.

ECCI is officially an Affiliate ATO 

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